A ghost mannequin service is used to remove mannequin from the dress image and make it look like a 3D image. This service is mostly used by e-commerce retailers, apparel websites and online brands to showcase their products without a mannequin or dummy. Also known as Neck joint service, Prepress India will utilize Neck join techniques for clothing and apparel shot on mannequins or models. Using this methodology our photo editing team would join sleeves, bottoms and other parts to complete the final product






Retouching process during Invisible Ghost Mannequin Service
For perfect looking clothing photos on ecommerce websites, fashion retailers or social media, the photographers shoot front part of clothing and back shots that are inside out with labels and tags. During our ghost mannequin photo editing process using Photoshop, the mannequin is eliminated and both shots are combined together to complete the garment as part of post-production. This process of stitching and combining of two product shots completes the invisible ghost mannequin retouching services at Prepress India.
You definitely need Invisible ghost mannequin service in photo retouching!
- Ghost Mannequin provides a realistic and unhindered view of the clothing
- The clothing looks professional and immaculate without a mannequin
- Besides neck and collars, sleeves and bottom parts is stitched as well
- We help photographers save money as models are expensive and mannequins a big distraction
- The product itself is focused and helps enhance sales online
Additional advantages for outsourcing Ghost Mannequin Services
- Photo Studios that shoot clothing and apparel on mannequins can rely on Prepress India to deliver top notch visual content overnight
- Invisible Ghost Mannequin service will leave no traces of the dummy used during photo shoot.
- Our photo retouchers will give a 3D like effect to all clothing after removing the mannequin
- It is cheaper to shoot on mannequins and utilize this service than hiring models at photo studios.
- The yield is an attractive retouched image with an invisible ghost mannequin effect, resulting in higher sales for online ecommerce retailers and cataloger
- Our perfectly executed ghost mannequin effect on your product images will give unforgettable graphic experience to your shoppers.
- It improves presentation of your e-commerce store and attracts more buyers towards your products.
- Ghost Mannequin services helps you to edit fit, flair and texture of your clothing items perfectly which gives natural enhancement to all apparels and makes them look impressive.