Footwear photo retouching services ensures- you procure irresistible footwear images for your e-commerce store. Our editors deployed various techniques to fabricate impeccable images, see below.
Clipping path, background removal, soften the shadow beneath, color enhancement, removed the dust, and enhanced the texture of the shoe
Removed the grey background, shadows, and prop holding the sandal, enhanced the color, and added shine to the stones on the sandal
Clipping path, background removal, reshaped the boot, product alignment, de-creasing, retouching, and color enhancement
Swapped the grey background to white background, removed the prop holding the sandal, product alignment, and color enhancement
Clipping path, background removal, eliminated the props, added natural shadows, enhanced the color, and adjoined the heels together
Clipping path, background removal, added natural shadow, color enhancement, smoothened the texture, removed dust, scratches, and spots on the shoe